Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Details are still sketchy but the facts are in: Today an armed man murdered at least 32 people on the campus of Virginia Tech. I have not the words to express my shock, horror and grief at this event. There is, of course, no reasoning behind such an act. No justification. No one deserves to have this happen to them. I think most of the nation is still in shock as I write this.

And I feel the same way I did on the day of the Columbine High School shootings back in 1999. I feel such grief for the victims and their families... and I know what's coming next.

Already, before all the facts are in, before all the families have been notified, before the killer has even been identified, there are calls for stricter gun laws. The VT campus was supposedly a "gun free" zone-- which I suppose means that students and faculty could not be armed. And I doubt that campus security guards were armed either. Only the insane murderer was armed--while the innocent people he attacked were helpless to fight back with anything save a barricaded door. When will America wake up and see the danger of these "feel-good" gun laws that only endanger law abiding citizerns?
Understand this: The slogan you see on most police vehicles that reads "..to serve and protect" is simply not true. The police cannot protect you. It is not their job to protect you. The job of the police is to ENFORCE THE LAW, plain and simple. Meaning if a thug bashes you in the head and steals your money, the police try to find him and arrest him..enforcing a law against assault and robbery. The police were not and can never be walking with you on that street to PROTECT you from being assaulted in the first place. You MUST protect yourself.

I believe it is time to start putting "designated defenders" in schools.. be it teachers or principals. They should have licenses for concealed carry after completing all the steps and training necessary for the state's CCW laws. How different this outcome would have been if there had been an armed citizenry ready to take action today at VT. Or at the Amish school house in Pennsylvania. Or at Columbine.

As horrendous as this event is, the Left will still use it as a springboard for fresh new attacks on the 2nd Amendment, and they will attempt to take more legally held guns out of the hands of good, law abiding citizens. The same citizens who might have been able to stop today's tragedy.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I said the very same things as soon as I heard about Va. though not as eloquently. Keep on writin'