Don Imus was taken out behind the woodshed and given a little old fashioned come-uppance by that great arbiter of racial morality Al Sharpton, for Imus' despicable remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team. Let's get some facts straight here: Imus is a mean-spirited moron. Yes I know about his ranch for sick kids. I know he says he's not a racist. Yet he continues to utter racist remarks. If it walks like a duck.. He has said cruel, hurtful things about many people over the years and truthfully if it were not for his morning show being simulcast on MSNBC, plus the fact that I'm a morning news junkie, I would never even have heard of Don Imus, much less be aware of this latest bout of idiocy.
Imus called the Rutgers women "nappy-headed hos". In reality, IMUS HIMSELF is the ho. He has been used mercilessly by every politician who has a new book to sell, every reporter with an 'off-the-record' remark intended to hurt the Bush administration, and the same people who used him like a 20 dollar whore are avoiding him like he's a hooker with a blazing case of the clap. And MSNBC comes off as the Pimp to Imus' ho for not having the stones to yank him the day he uttered this drivel. They only caved after Sharpton and Jackson brought pressure to MSNBC's sponsors.
Why Imus agreed to go on Sharpton's radio show is a mystery. Again, I didn't even know Sharpton HAS a radio show. Maybe Imus and Sharpton cut a back-room deal to try and help each other's ratings.. I dunno. Another fact to get straight: Sharpton is a Race Pimp. He has never apologized for his actions during the Tawana Brawley case. That case fizzled out when a bodyguard for Brawley's lawyers testified that the lawyers and Sharpton KNEW that Brawley was lying. Sharpton was ordered to pay $65K to Steven Pagones for defamation. He has never apologized or admitted he lied. And Sharpton's actions in Harlem helped fan the flames of racism during the shootings and arson at Freddie's Fashion Mart on 125th Street.
I'm just sayin' the Reverend's hands aren't clean enough to point fingers at ANYBODY. AND.. there is no such thing as REVERSE RACISM. Racism is racism. Period.
Here's the clincher for me about Imus: I was hoping Imus would be fired MONTHS ago when he continually accused the voters of Tennessee of (get this) "abject racism" because Harold Ford was not elected to the U.S. Senate! That's right, Harold Ford is black. AND Imus is STILL a racist. Imus wanted Tennessee to elect a Liberal Democrat, not a Conservative Republican. They did not. So Imus says the Tennessee voters are racists for not electing Ford. Funny how the people of Maryland weren't called racist for not electing Michael Steele, a black Conservative. Also funny how the voters of Pennsylvania weren't called racist for not electing Lynn Swann, also a black Conservative.
So, Imus is at the same time a Liberal race pimp and ho. He wants people of color elected ONLY IF THEY ARE LIBERAL, NOT CONSERVATIVE.
What happened to "..not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" ?
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