Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Harry Reid must resign.

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He is the senate majority leader and here is what he said. "I believe ... that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week." This weasel funds the war. Votes to send our bravest volunteers to fight in a conflict that he says they CANNOT WIN. He is behaving in the same manner that Jane Fonda did when she posed for photos with the enemy on an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down our pilots in Vietnam. He is a traitor. He is giving our enemies in Iraq strength to fight harder while not allowing any time for the surge to be effective. He has already told CNN that he would not believe Gen. Petraeus IF HE REPORTS PROGRESS in the surge. He said "We're going to pick up Senate seats as a result of this war."

Can there be any further doubt that the Left is invested in America's defeat in Iraq? Some Leftists in Washington hate President Bush more than they hate Usama Bin Laden..after all its Bush who will appoint conservative originalist justices to the Supreme Court and threaten the Dems' love affair with death known as Roe v. Wade. It is the President, not Bin Laden who places an impediment to their other favorite cause Gay Marriage. And please tell me I dreamed this...? Pelosi went to meet with Assad of Syria who sponsors terrorism but she couldn't be bothered to meet with General Petraeus? WTF, over? What happened to my Country? If Reid and his scumbag Senate buds believe the war is lost they should stand up and DE-FUND IT! The Senate has the power to do that, but it won't happen because Reid doesn't have the balls. He also doesn't want blood on his hands for the genocide that will fill the vacuum left by our withdrawal. He has told our enemies that they have won. I can't believe this from an American senator. SHAME!

Rep. Duncan Hunter of California said “In my opinion Sen. Reid, having made that statement, which can only have a demoralizing effect on our troops and an effect of encouragement of the adversary, I think it would be appropriate for Sen. Reid to resign his position as the leader of the United States Senate.”


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Gitchi Gitchi Ya Ya

I can die happy now. I played Lady Marmalade and four other songs onstage with Patti Labelle last night! She is 62 years old. She sang all her songs in the original keys and belted them as hard as she did 30 years ago. Her pitch was excellent despite having literally *NO VOICE* the day before at rehearsals. A consummate professional. She absolutely ROCKED the house down. This woman's soul is so deep as to be immeasurable.

The audience were invited guests for a fund-raiser and numbered about 250, but Miss Labelle performed as if it she was live at Wembley in front of 80,000 people. She is one of the all-time greatest singers I have ever heard and she is as sweet as she can be. Absolutely a career highlight for me.

Why is this LEGEND not in the Rock Hall yet?


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Details are still sketchy but the facts are in: Today an armed man murdered at least 32 people on the campus of Virginia Tech. I have not the words to express my shock, horror and grief at this event. There is, of course, no reasoning behind such an act. No justification. No one deserves to have this happen to them. I think most of the nation is still in shock as I write this.

And I feel the same way I did on the day of the Columbine High School shootings back in 1999. I feel such grief for the victims and their families... and I know what's coming next.

Already, before all the facts are in, before all the families have been notified, before the killer has even been identified, there are calls for stricter gun laws. The VT campus was supposedly a "gun free" zone-- which I suppose means that students and faculty could not be armed. And I doubt that campus security guards were armed either. Only the insane murderer was armed--while the innocent people he attacked were helpless to fight back with anything save a barricaded door. When will America wake up and see the danger of these "feel-good" gun laws that only endanger law abiding citizerns?
Understand this: The slogan you see on most police vehicles that reads "..to serve and protect" is simply not true. The police cannot protect you. It is not their job to protect you. The job of the police is to ENFORCE THE LAW, plain and simple. Meaning if a thug bashes you in the head and steals your money, the police try to find him and arrest him..enforcing a law against assault and robbery. The police were not and can never be walking with you on that street to PROTECT you from being assaulted in the first place. You MUST protect yourself.

I believe it is time to start putting "designated defenders" in schools.. be it teachers or principals. They should have licenses for concealed carry after completing all the steps and training necessary for the state's CCW laws. How different this outcome would have been if there had been an armed citizenry ready to take action today at VT. Or at the Amish school house in Pennsylvania. Or at Columbine.

As horrendous as this event is, the Left will still use it as a springboard for fresh new attacks on the 2nd Amendment, and they will attempt to take more legally held guns out of the hands of good, law abiding citizens. The same citizens who might have been able to stop today's tragedy.

Join NRA and donate.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Treasonous Dems?

Melanie Morgan has a strong piece about Democrats and treasonous behavior. Conservatives need to step up and not be afraid to call 'em like they see 'em.
Please go read her opinion at World Net Daily LOCATED HERE

Terry Moran incites class warfare

Terry Moran of ABC's Niteline has weighed in on the Duke Lacrosse matter. Go HERE to read this amazingly arrogant, elitist, racist drivel.

Then EMAIL ABC at: support@abcnews.go.com and demand that this P.O.S. activist be fired.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Today it was announced that Don Imus was also fired from his radio gig as well as his MSNBC simulcast. And even though I despise him, I'm starting to feel sorry for him.. and I feel sorry for the 1st Amendment. By now you all know what he said. He has apologized profusely over several days and to lots of different people. But who exactly did he offend?
Certainly the young women of the Rutgers basketball team who the comment was aimed at. And they are truly the victims of an immensely insensitive remark that was based on nothing but mean-spiritedness and ignorance. These young women are among the nation's finest athletes performing at their peak. They are the only truly innocent parties in this whole mess.
But was Reverend Al Sharpton offended personally? Is he spokesperson for Rutgers? For African-American women? Or is he an opportunistic Race Pimp?

Imus supported Harold Ford Jr for Senate from Tennessee. Ford is black. Imus gave him every opportunity to speak on the air during the 2006 campaign. Where is Ford now? Why is he not offering some token defense of Imus? Is he THAT scared of Sharpton? True enough everybody who were regular guests on his show are now staying away in droves. You can see bruises on Imus where he's been poked with ten-foot-poles.

I think Imus IS a racist. I KNOW Sharpton is.

All I'm saying is Sharpton and Jackson have somehow appointed themselves arbiters of free speech on the airwaves and they have caused the takedown of a crotchety old radio curmudgeon.. and they smell blood.

Since they are the protectors and defenders of African-American women everywhere, let them set their sights on the music industry, where 'artists' have been degrading and humiliating black women for many years with lyrics and videos. Where are Al and Jessie's righteous Christian outrage at Rap artists? Have they called for any of them to be silenced? Or are they saying that Rap artists have the cultural 'right' to spew hatred but Imus does not since he is the wrong color?

Sharpton is a Liberal first and foremost. And he has played the race card at every opportunity to further a Liberal agenda. Guard your 1st Amendment rights carefully.

Lemme Tell Ya somethin

Don Imus was taken out behind the woodshed and given a little old fashioned come-uppance by that great arbiter of racial morality Al Sharpton, for Imus' despicable remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team. Let's get some facts straight here: Imus is a mean-spirited moron. Yes I know about his ranch for sick kids. I know he says he's not a racist. Yet he continues to utter racist remarks. If it walks like a duck.. He has said cruel, hurtful things about many people over the years and truthfully if it were not for his morning show being simulcast on MSNBC, plus the fact that I'm a morning news junkie, I would never even have heard of Don Imus, much less be aware of this latest bout of idiocy.

Imus called the Rutgers women "nappy-headed hos". In reality, IMUS HIMSELF is the ho. He has been used mercilessly by every politician who has a new book to sell, every reporter with an 'off-the-record' remark intended to hurt the Bush administration, and the same people who used him like a 20 dollar whore are avoiding him like he's a hooker with a blazing case of the clap. And MSNBC comes off as the Pimp to Imus' ho for not having the stones to yank him the day he uttered this drivel. They only caved after Sharpton and Jackson brought pressure to MSNBC's sponsors.

Why Imus agreed to go on Sharpton's radio show is a mystery. Again, I didn't even know Sharpton HAS a radio show. Maybe Imus and Sharpton cut a back-room deal to try and help each other's ratings.. I dunno. Another fact to get straight: Sharpton is a Race Pimp. He has never apologized for his actions during the Tawana Brawley case. That case fizzled out when a bodyguard for Brawley's lawyers testified that the lawyers and Sharpton KNEW that Brawley was lying. Sharpton was ordered to pay $65K to Steven Pagones for defamation. He has never apologized or admitted he lied. And Sharpton's actions in Harlem helped fan the flames of racism during the shootings and arson at Freddie's Fashion Mart on 125th Street.

I'm just sayin' the Reverend's hands aren't clean enough to point fingers at ANYBODY. AND.. there is no such thing as REVERSE RACISM. Racism is racism. Period.

Here's the clincher for me about Imus: I was hoping Imus would be fired MONTHS ago when he continually accused the voters of Tennessee of (get this) "abject racism" because Harold Ford was not elected to the U.S. Senate! That's right, Harold Ford is black. AND Imus is STILL a racist. Imus wanted Tennessee to elect a Liberal Democrat, not a Conservative Republican. They did not. So Imus says the Tennessee voters are racists for not electing Ford. Funny how the people of Maryland weren't called racist for not electing Michael Steele, a black Conservative. Also funny how the voters of Pennsylvania weren't called racist for not electing Lynn Swann, also a black Conservative.

So, Imus is at the same time a Liberal race pimp and ho. He wants people of color elected ONLY IF THEY ARE LIBERAL, NOT CONSERVATIVE.

What happened to "..not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" ?