Thursday, June 26, 2008

Feinstein's Folly.


Washington DC has had a ban against owning handguns or keeping one in your house since 1976. But registered rifles and shotguns were permitted to be owned and kept inside the home, unloaded and dis-assembled or trigger locked. So if you were a victim of a burglary or worse, you had no handgun to grab. Instead you must turn the light on, grab your reading glasses, find your key to your trigger-lock, get your disassembled shotgun put together, find the shells, load the weapon and hope you haven't already been assaulted---Assaulted by someone who DOES have a handgun. Of course it is an illegal one in DC but hey, maybe he just didn't know that handguns were illegal in the nation's capitol.

By the way, trigger locks don't work and I'll tell you why. Gun safety's first empirical rule is that you NEVER touch the trigger of any firearm until you are ready to fire it. Every trigger lock manufacturer tells you; DO NOT attempt to install a trigger lock on a loaded weapon because the weapon could discharge while installing it. And if the gun has a light trigger pull, it could possibly still be fired after the lock is in place.

So if you must only install a trigger lock on an unloaded weapon.. (wait for it...) why do you need a trigger lock at all? It is a feel-good measure designed to do nothing more than instill a false sense of security. An "innocent" kid who finds a gun, finds the ammo for it, deliberately loads it, racks a round into the chamber, flips the safety off and shoots a friend BECAUSE THERE WAS NO TRIGGER LOCK ain't an innocent kid. Better to gunproof the kid and educate him than rely on a cheap piece of plastic that could cause someone to be maimed or killed.

So the bad guy who invades a good guy's house in DC knows there are no accessible guns there..otherwise the homeowner is a criminal too. That's right, since 1976 anyone who lived in DC and had a handgun in the house was a criminal.

Today the Supreme Court held that DC's handgun ban was unconstitutional--by a slim 5-4 decision. Imagine the high court barely agreeing to restore the right that everyone in DC already had under the Constitution of the United States: The rights guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment.

The decision scares me more than it elates me because with just one more Liberal justice, 2nd Amendment rights could have been trashed.

And then Senator Diane Feinstein proclaimed thusly:
"And with this decision, seventy years of precedent has gone out the window. And I believe the people of this great country will be less safe because of it.

So, lemme get this straight Senator Feinstein..
DC has been the murder capitol of the world many times over since this handgun ban became law in 1976.
And you Senator, think that law abiding citizens of DC and the rest of the country will be less safe WITH a means to protect themselves from murderers.
Less safe WITH the legal and GOD GIVEN right to defend themselves and their loved ones.

Is that your final answer? Wanna stick with that one?

Feinstein you magnificent idiot.

Here's a news flash Senator: It is murderous intent that kills people REGARDLESS of the method. Disregard for human life in a violent society is what kills people.

I'm blue in the face from saying this but..
A firearm lying on a table will continue to lie on that table until the end of time unless and until a human being decides to pick it up and decides to use it as a weapon.

Otherwise it is simply an inanimate piece of steel.

Remember Senator, 99+% of the 200,000,000 guns in America have never had, and never will have, any connection whatsoever to accidents, crime or evil.


As the saying goes, your friend Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than all of my guns have.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No Instant Replay in Baseball!

As you know, MLB has been considering implementing instant replay in baseball games for disputed home run calls. They had intended to begin the experiment after the regular season, during winter ball in the Grapefruit League.

You know, to work out the bugs and such.

Now MLB is considering starting this fresh hell in the 2008 season.
In August.

When every team is getting playoff fever.

When every pitch is critical.

Am I the last person who still thinks this is a bad idea?

And it's not that I am against every change in baseball; I think inter-league play is a good thing. And I do like the idea of the Wild Card in the playoffs. And awarding World Series home field advantage to the winning league in the All-Star game is novel and has made the game much more important. (Though I was always a fan of the All-Star games for the non-seriousness of it and the enjoyment of watching players compete in a whole new way).

People who already don't like baseball say that the game is "boring" and "moves too slowly".
Instant Replay will make the game even slower.

And where does Replay stop?
What's next..reviewing plays at the plate? Sure, why not? Replays at first base on disputed calls of out or safe? Why not? Balls and Strikes? Why not? Once Replay is implemented it will NEVER GO AWAY... kinda like taxes and toll booths.

Listen up Bud Selig!!! I have a radical but low tech solution for this.
I know it sounds crazy but... here goes:

Hire two more umpires per game.

One each down the foul lines at the walls.

And their only job is to make the call on home run balls. The current configuration puts the first base and third base umps at a huge disadvantage trying to make calls on hits that they can't even see well.

Please Bud. I know Baseball can afford to hire two more sets of eyes per game.

Before you go dickin' around with the world's greatest sport, before you start trying to improve a game that is already nearly perfection, please consider using more of the very thing that makes Baseball great:
